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Bases: Enum

Specifies an algorithm for performaing auto alignment.


Name Type Description
AutoDieSize 0

Perform auto alignment. Determine die size with zero prior knowledge.

UpdateDieSize 1

Perform auto alignment. Update die size based on current value.

TwoPt 2

Use Two-Point alignment algorithm.


Bases: Enum

A list of different AutoFocus algorithms.


Name Type Description
Gradient 0

Gradient Engery

Bandpass 1

Bandpass Filter

Difference 2


AutoCorrelation 3

Auto Correlation


Bases: Enum

A list of different AutoFocus functions.


Name Type Description
Calibration 0

Execute focus calibration.

Focus 1

Measure Focus curve and determine maximum.

GoTo 2

Simply move the scope to distance from the wafer that is known to be in focus.


Bases: Enum

Represents an axis orientation.

Thie enumeration is mostly used to describe axis orientations on the computer screen. For instance the axis orientation of the wafer map.


Name Type Description
DownRight 0

Y axis pointing down; X axis pointing right.

DownLeft 1

Y axis pointing down; X axis pointing left.

UpRight 2

Y-axis pointing up; X axis pointing right.

UpLeft 3

Y-axis pointing up; X axis pointing left.


Bases: Enum

An enumerator dor defining the quality parameter of a certain bin code.


Name Type Description
All 0

Select dies and subsites.

DiesOnly 1

Select dies only.

SubsitesOnly 2

Select subsites only.


Bases: Enum

An enumerator for selecting dies for binning.


Name Type Description
All 0

Select dies and subsites.

DiesOnly 1

Select dies only.

SubsitesOnly 2

Select subsites only.


Bases: Enum

Available camera mount points.

A camera mount point is a physical position in the prober where a camera can be located. SENTIO refers to its camera via the camera mount point.


Name Type Description
Scope 0

The downward looking microscope camera.

Scope2 1

Second scope camera. This camera is only used by IMag to provide a wider field of view in addition to the scope camera.

Chuck 2

The upward looking chuck camera.

OffAxis 3

Downward looking platen camera.

Vce 4

First Vce camera.

Vce2 5

Second Vce camera.


Bases: Enum

Position hint for the chuck stage.


Name Type Description
Center 0

Chuck is at Center Position

FrontLoad 1

Chuck is at Front Load Position

SideLoad 2

Chuck is at Side Load Position


Bases: Enum

An enumeration containing chuck sites.

A chuck site is a physical position that is attached to the chuck and is moving together with the chuck.


Name Type Description
Wafer 0

The wafer site. This is where your wafer is supposed to be.

AuxRight 1

Right auxilliary site (if available)

AuxLeft 2

Left auxilliary site (if available)

AuxRight2 3

Secondary right auxilliary site (if available)

AuxLeft2 4

Secondary left auxilliary site (if available)

ChuckCamera 5

The chuck camera


Bases: Enum

Reference to use for chuck theat motions.


Name Type Description
Zero 0

Use zero of the theta axis.

Site 1

Use the trained site of "home" angle as the reference.

Relative 2

Use the current theta position as reference.


Bases: Enum

Defines a reference for chuck xy motions.


Name Type Description
Zero 0

Use absolute chuck coordinates.

Home 1

Use home position as reference.

Relative 2

Use curent chuck position as reference.

Center 3

Use chuck center position as reference.

User 4

Use user defined coordinate system.


Bases: Enum

Defines a position reference for chuck z-motions.


Name Type Description
Zero 0

Use absolute chuck z coordinates with respect the the physical axis zero positon.

Relative 1

Use relative chuck z coordinated with respect to the current position.

Contact 2

Use relative chuck z coordinated with respect to the chucks contact height.

Hover 3

Use relative chuck z coordinated with respect to the chucks hover height.

Separation 4

Use relative chuck z coordinated with respect to the chucks separation height.


Bases: Enum

The color scheme used by the wafer map.


Name Type Description
ColorFromBin 0

The color of a die is determined by the bin code of the die.

ColorFromValue 1

The color of the die is determined by a floating point value attached to a die.


Bases: Enum

A list with available compensation modes.


Name Type Description
Lateral 0

Lateral (XY) compensation.

Vertical 1

Vertical (Z) compensation.

Both 2

Both lateral and vertical compensation.

ProbeCard 3

Probe card compensation.

MapScan 4

MapScan compensation.

Topography 5

Topography compensation.


Bases: Enum

A list of compensation types.


Name Type Description
DieAlign 0
Topography 1

Vertical (Z) compensation.

MapScan 2

Both lateral and vertical compensation.

AlignDie 3

Probe card compensation.

SkateDetection 4

MapScan compensation.


Bases: Enum

A list of slots for visual patterns used by SENTIO.

Each pattern is used for a specific purpose internally.


Name Type Description
Align 0

The pattern used for wafer alignment.

Home 1

Pattern used for finding the home position

DieAlignPos1 3

First pattern used for the die alignment. (on diced and taped wafers)

DieAlignPos2 4

Second pattern used for the die alignment. (on diced and taped wafers)

TwoPoint 5

Pattern for Two-Point alignment

Vce 6

Pattern used for VCE contact height detection.

Ptpa 7

A pattern used for probe to pad alignment.


Bases: Enum

Specifes one of several of SENTIO's internal detection algorithms.

Not all versions of SENTIO support all algorithms. The most current versions of SENTIO have eliminated all models except for the ones based on deep learning.

Those new Standard models detect multiple class of objects with far greater reliability than the outdated models based on haar cascades.


Name Type Description
Keypoint 0

A Keypoint / ORB detector.

ProbeDetector 1

Deep learning based AI model trained on various types of probe tips.

WaferDetector 2

Deep learning based AI model trained on wafer structures.


Bases: Enum

Specifies the coordinate system used for reporting box detections.

Used by SENTIO's built in DetectionAlgorithm


Name Type Description
Image 0

Use image coordinates. Results are returned as pixel coordinates.

Fov 1

Coordinates are in micrometer relative to the center of the field of view.

Roi 2

Coordinates are in micrometer relative to the center of the region of interest.


Bases: Enum

A list of buttons that can be used in SENTIO's dialogs.


Name Type Description
Ok 1

An Ok button.

Yes 2

A Yes button.

No 3

A No button.

Cancel 4

A Cancel button.

OkCancel 5

Both the Ok and the Cancel button.

YesNo 6

Both a Yes and a No button.

YesCancel 7

Yes and cancel button.

YesNoCancel 8

Yes, No and Cancel button.


Bases: Enum

Represents a compensation mode used by SENTIO.

The compensation mode is a selector that defines what principal type of compensation shall be used.


Name Type Description
Lateral 0

Use lateral compensation.

Vertical 1

Use vertical compensation.

Both 2

Use both lateral and vertical compensation.

ProbeCard 3

Use probe card compensation.

SkateDetection 4

Use skate detection


Bases: Enum

Compensation Type.


Name Type Description
DieAlign 0

Die Alignment.

MapScan 1

MapScan scans the wafer once and created a x,y compensation table for later use.

Topography 2

Topography scans the height og the wafer on chuck and created a height map.


Bases: Enum

Specifies how dies are numbered.


Name Type Description
Present 1

Number only dies that are present on the wafer.

Selected 2

Number only dies that are selected for test.


Bases: Enum

Reference point for coordinates than returning a pattern position.


Name Type Description
DieHome 0

Use Die Home position as reference.

CenterOfRoi 1

Use Center of ROI as reference.


Bases: Enum

An enumeration containing the possible load positions.

Not all load positions are available on all probe stations.


Name Type Description
Front 0

The Front Load position. All probe station have a front load position.

Side 1

The Side Load position. The side load position is optional and only present on systems with a side loader, a cassette loader or a wafer wallet.


Bases: Enum

An enumeration containing loader stations.


Name Type Description
Cassette1 0

First cassette station.

Cassette2 1

Second cassette station.

PreAligner 2

Prealigner Station for wafer prealignment.

Chuck 3

The chuck station.

ForkA 4

Robot fork A

ForkB 5

Roboit fork B

WaferWallet 6

5 slow wafer wallet station

IdReader 7

Id-reader station.


Bases: Enum

An enumerator containing the names of all SENTIO modules.

Module availability is determined by the specific type of probe station. All probe stations have the dashboard, setup and service modules. Most likely wafermap and Vision module will also be present (unless you have a purely manual station)


Name Type Description
Wafermap 0

The wafermap module. This module is used for wafer alignment and wafer mapping.

Vision 1

The vision module. This module is used for die alignment and wafer inspection.

Setup 2

The setup module. This module is used for setting up the probe station.

Service 3

The service module. This module is used for service and maintenance.

Qalibria 4

The Qalibria module. This module is used for Qalibria integration.

AuxSites 5

The aux site module. This module is used for auxilliary site integration.

Loader 6

The loader module. This module is used for loader integration.

Dashboard 7

The dashboard module. This module is used for dashboard integration.


Bases: Enum

Defines the wafers orientation marker.

Orientation markers can either be a notch or a flat in the wafer. The orientation marker is used by the prealigner to detect the wafer position.

Today mostly notches are used ar orientation markes as they reduce the waste of wafer space.


Name Type Description
Notch 0

Wafer uses a notch.

Flat 1

Wafer uses a flat.


Bases: Enum

Referenc position for points of interest.

Each point of interest can either be defines with respect to the center of the stage. Or with respect to the center of the die.


Name Type Description
DieCenter 0

Use die center as the position reference.

StageCenter 1

Use stage center as the position reference.


Bases: Enum

An enumeration containing a list of position for motorized probes.


Name Type Description
East 0

Probe is on the right side of the chuck.

West 1

Probe is on the left side of the chuck.

North 2

Probe is at the back side of the prober.

South 3

Probe is on the front side of the prober.


Bases: Enum

Position reference for mororized probe movements.


Name Type Description
Zero 0

Use absolute probe coordinates.

Home 1

Use coordinates with respect to the probe home position.

Current 2

Use coordinates with respect to the current probe position.


Bases: Enum

Position reference for probe z motions.


Name Type Description
Zero 0

Use absolute probe coordinates.

Current 1

Use coordinates with respect to the current probe position.

Contact 2

Use coordinates with respect to the contact height.

Separation 3

Use coordinates with respect to the separation height.


Bases: Enum

An enumerator containing the different aspects of retrieving current project info.


Name Type Description
NameOnly 0

Return only the project name.

FullPath 1

Return the full path to the project file.


Bases: Enum

Specifies the mode used by ptpa tip finding.


Name Type Description
OnAxis 0

Use on axis tip finding.

OffAxis 1

Use off axis tip finding.


Bases: Enum

Defines the type of Probe to Pad Alignment used by SENTIO.


Name Type Description
OffAxis 0

Use off-axis PTPA with the platen camera and the chuck camera looking up to the probe tips.

OnAxis 1

Use on axis PTPA with the scope camera looking down on the probe tips.


A list of possible error codes used by SENTIO.

This list may not contain the full list of codes used by SENTIO due to the fact that SENTIO is a moving target and new error codes may be added or removed.

Have a look at the remote command specification to see which codes are supported by your version.


Name Type Description
NoError 0

No error occured.

InternalError 1

An internal error occured in SENTIO. This is not supposed to happen and you can probably not fix the issue on your own. Please contact SENTIO support.

ExecutionError 2

A generic execution error. This is the most widely used error code to signal remote command failure.

CommandHandlerNotFound 3

A command handler for a certain subsystem of SENTIO was not found. This may happen when sending commands to a SENTIO module that is not available on a given machine.

InvalidCommand 4

not used by SENTIO's native remote command set.

InvalidCommandFormat 5

not used by SENTIO's native remote command set.

InvalidParameter 6

A remote command parameter is incoreect.

InvalidNumberOfParameters 7

The number of submitted remote command parameters is incorect.

ArgumentOutOfBounds 8

A submitted parameter exceeds the range of allowed values.

FileNotFound 9

A file that was supposed to be loaded by SENTIO was not found.

InvalidFileFormat 10

not used by SENTIO's native remote command set.

EndOfRoute 11

Stepping reached the end of the route.

InvalidOperation 12

The requested operation is not allowed in the current state.

NotSupported 13

The requested operation is not supported by the current version of SENTIO.

SubsiteNotRoutable 14

The requested subsite is not routable.

ProjectRequired 15

A requested operation require an active project.

Unused 16

This error code is unused.

PrealignmentFailed 17

Prealignment failed.

HomePositionNotSet 18

The home position is not set.

Timeout 19

A command or operation timed out.

PatternNotTrained 20

A required pattern is not trained

PatternNotFound 21

A pattern could not be found

TooManyPatternsFound 22

Too many patterns were found

ContactHeightNotSet 23

The contact height is not set.

AutoFocusFailed 24

Auto focus failed on the wafer.

TipFocusFailed 25

Auto focus failed on the tips.

TipNotFound 26

A tip could not be found.

OffsetOverTolerance 27

The offset is over tolerance.

CommandPending 30

Returned when the status of an async command is polled with query_command_status and the command is Running

AsyncCommandAborted 31

Returned when a async command was aborted prematurely

UnknownCommandId 32

Returned when an async command is queried but SENTIO does not know anything about this command id

CameraNotCalibrated 35

A camera required for a vision task is not calibrated

CameraDoesNotExist 36

A required camera is not installed in the system.

AlignAccuracyBad 37

Alignment accuracy over 10 µm

SteppingWithWrongZPosition 38

Stepping when Chuck is below Separation

FrontDoorOpen 60

The front load door is open

LoaderDoorOpen 61

The side door is open

FrontDoorLockFail 62

Front door lock cannot be engaged

LoaderDoorLockFail 63

Side door lock cannot be engaged

SlotOrStationOccupied 64

A slot or station that is the target of a wafer transfer is already occupied

SlotOrStationEmpty 65

A slot or station that is the origin of a wafer transfer does not have a wafer

ProbeBackDoorOpen 66

The probe back door is open

ProbeSideDoorOpen 67

The probe side door is open (Not loader door, only TS2500/SE has this door, the door near the probe back door)

VacuumFailed 68

Vacuum failed

LoaderTrayDoorOpen 69

The tray door is open

LoaderCassetteDoesNotExist 80

The cassette does not exist

LoaderSlotNumberError 81

The slot number is not correct

LoaderPreAlignerAngleError 83

The prealigner angle is not correct


Bases: Enum

Defines the stepping order.


Name Type Description
RowUniDir 0

Rows first always step in same direction.

ColUniDir 1

Columns first always step in same direction.

RowBiDir 2

Rows first. Step odd rows backwards.

ColBiDir 3

Columns first. Step odd columns backwards.


Bases: Enum

Defines the starting point for routing (stepping commands).


Name Type Description
UpperLeft 0

Stepping starts in upper left corner of the map.

UpperRight 1

Stepping starts in upper right corner of the map.

LowerLeft 2

Stepping stars in lower left corner of the map.

LowerRight 3

Stepping starts in lower right corner of the map.


Bases: Enum

Position reference for scope motions.


Name Type Description
Zero 0

Use absolute scope coordinates.

Home 1

Use coordinates with respect to the scope home position.

Relative 2

Use coordinates with respect to the current scope position.


Bases: Enum

Scope z reference for scoep motions.


Name Type Description
Zero 0

Use absolute scope coordinates.

Relative 1

Use coordinates with respect to the current scope position.


Bases: Enum

Specifies where a snapshot shall be saved.

Local = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute

The snapshot will be transferred to the PC that is running the python control script. This option only makes sense if the prober and the control PC are different.

Prober = 0 class-attribute instance-attribute

The snapshot is stored remotely on the prober PC that is executing SENTIO.


Bases: Enum

Specifies the type of image snapshot to be taken

CameraRaw = 0 class-attribute instance-attribute

The snapshot is the raw image from the camera in original resolution

WithOverlays = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute

The snapshot consists of a screenshot of the vision module inside SENTIO. This method will also contain the overlays displayed by the vision module but the image resolution will be whatever the current resolution of SENTIO's vision module is.


Turn the SnapshotType into a string that can be used as a parameter for SENTIO's snap_image command.


Bases: Enum

An enumerator holding software fence implementations.


Name Type Description
Disabled 0

Fence is disabled.

Round 1

A round fence around the chuck, excluding aux sites.

Rectangle 2

A rectangular fence around the chuck, may include parts of the aux sites.

SoftwareLimit 3

Use software limits on axis. A Large rectangular fence around the chuck motion ares. Collisions with the prober housing are possible (TS-2000; tilted front door)


Bases: Enum

Represents a stage in SENTIO.

A stage is a piece of hardware that can be controlled by motors and moved in x, y and probably also z direction.


Name Type Description
Chuck 0

The chuck stage. This is where the wafer is placed.

Scope 1

The scope stage controls the downward looking microscope. This is an optional stage but it will be present on most probe stations.

Vce 2

First Vce stage. Vce Stages can only be moved in z-direction.

Vce2 3

Second Vce stage. Vce Stages can only be moved in z-direction.

Probe1 4

First motorized probe.

Probe2 5

Second motorized probe.

Probe3 6

Third motorized probe.

Probe4 7

Fourth motorized probe.


List of status codes used by SENTIO.

SENTIO will encode certain status information into the error code variable. This status information does not represent an errors but rather a machine status.


Name Type Description
EndOfRoute 1

Stepping reached the end of the route.

LastSite 2

Stepping reached the last site of a die.


Bases: Enum

This mode defines how the chuck behaves during steeping.


Name Type Description
BackToContact 0

Chuck will move back to contact position after stepping.

StepToSeparation 1

Chuck will move to separation position after stepping.

LockContact 2

Chuck cannot step when at contact. You will have to manually move it away from its contact position before issuing the next step command.


Bases: Enum

Specifies which dies shall be selected for test.

If a die is selected for test it is activated in the wafer map.


Name Type Description
Nothing 0

Select no dies.

Good 1

Select only the good dies.

GoodAndUgly 2

Select only the good dies. Ugly dies are the dies with at least one corner in the edge area of the map. The are completely present on the wafer but may be damaged or have incomplete structures.

GoodUglyAndEdge 3

Good dies are the dies that are completely within the wafer map with no edge lying in the edge area of the map. Ugly dies are the dies with at least one corner in the edge area of the map. The are completely present on the wafer but may be damaged or have incomplete structures. The dies with at leas one edge outside of the wafer are called edge dies. Those dies are incomplete.

All 4

Select all dies for testing.


Bases: Enum

The state of a thermo chuck.


Name Type Description
Soaking 0

The chuck is in soaking state,

Cooling 1

The chuck is in cooling state,

Heating 2

The chuck is in heating state,

Uncontrolled 3

The chuck is in uncontrolled state,

Standby 4

The chuck is in standby state,

Error 5

The chuck is in error state,

Controlling 6

The chuck is in controlling state,


Bases: Enum

Reference for Vce z motions.


Name Type Description
Zero 0

Use absolute Vce coordinates.

Relative 1

Use coordinates with respect to the current Vce position.


Bases: Enum

Flags for initializing a virtual carrier measurement.


Name Type Description
Start 0

Start a new virtual carrier measurement.

Continue 1

Continue an existing virtual carrier measurement. If no measurement is running, this will start a new one.


Bases: Enum

State of a single virtual carrier processing step.


Name Type Description
Skip 0

The step is skipped.

Done 1

The step is done.

Ready 2

The step is ready to be executed.


Bases: Enum

An enumeration containing probe station work areas. The OffAxis work area is only present if the specific model of probe station supports it.


Name Type Description
Probing 0

The probing work area is the area in which the chuck is under the downward looking microscope. This is where the wafer is probed.

Offaxis 1

The off axis work area is the area in which the chuck is under the off axis camera. This is where off axis ptpa is performed. The wafer cannot be probed here because there is no probe card.


Bases: Enum

Represents a hint for the z position of a stage.

Not all values are used by all stages. A scope does not have a contact height and a chuck Hover height may be disabled by SENTIO.


Name Type Description
Default 0

Used internally only. Essentially means the value is unset or undefined.

Contact 1

Stage is at contact position.

Hover 2

Stage is at hover position.

Separation 3

Stage is at separation position

Lift 4

Stage is at Lift position.

Transfer 5

Chuck is at transfer position. This is used for the chuck only when the loader is doing a wafer transfer internally.